Freedom from Alcohol

alcohol freedom healing recovery Jul 03, 2023

Here's my journey to freedom from alcohol. It's been a year and a half since I started the Hey Emmy Show, and one of my very first episodes was about this. Sadly, the recording got deleted, but maybe it was a good thing because it was a long episode.





There are a lot of people out there struggling with alcoholism, feeling trapped, and lacking freedom. We're supposed to live in abundance and freedom, not misery and bondage. Alcohol seems fun and refreshing at first, but it has more negatives than positives. In sharing my story with you, I am not condemning or judging anyone, but I am shedding light on an issue that must be addressed. Many people struggle with alcoholism, either personally or in their relationships. 


Over the last year and a half, I've been trying to find the best way to share my story. I don't want to gossip or dwell on the negative stuff. I want to tell you the truth, though. I made some mistakes, like getting a DUI but have since found freedom. My journey with alcohol hasn't always been easy, and there have been ups and downs. I have found that true freedom is found when we live in alignment with our original design. In order to be free, we must make choices that align with our true selves. Freedom comes with responsibility.


Finding freedom requires repentance. It's about turning 180 degrees and choosing a different path, not just saying sorry. There are no strings attached when God gives us the chance to turn our lives around. Despite setbacks, we can always turn back to the path of true freedom.


Throughout my alcohol journey, I've gone through periods of abstinence, but I don't like to identify as "sober" because it seems to limit. Let me encourage you to seek freedom in all areas of your life and to experience the joy that comes from living your purpose.


It's time to talk about the challenges, the lessons learned, and the journey to true freedom. Let's embrace the freedom waiting for us together.


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Connect with Emmy on the GRAM @theheyheyemmy



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